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How to stop smoking with these 10 tips

How to stop smoking with these 10 tips
To help you through the process of quitting, here are ten tips and suggestions. Smokers are completely confused by the entire process and don't know where to begin! Smokers are completely confused by the entire process and don't know where to begin! What it really means is finding the right resources and finding the most effective methods to quit smoking that is right for you and your health. Most people are aware that quit smoking can improve their health, but understanding how to overcome cravings and withdrawal symptoms can be quite a challenge.

The first tip is to have a sound reason for quitting.
It is not enough to give up smoking just because you think it is a wise idea or because someone else says it is. It is imperative to make sure the reason you are giving up smoking is completely your own, not someone else's. This is because if someone is forcing you to quit, your chances of success will be very low. Feeling pressured will only lead to feelings of guilt and resentment. The need to quit smoking may seem obvious, but it is actually important that the desire to quit comes from within us and for our own reasons so that the process will be easier and more successful.

The second tip is to plan your quitting strategy. 

Make a resolute commitment to stop smoking for all the right reasons, then decide on a strategy and follow through on it. Consider researching methods and ways that will help you permanently quit smoking as well as setting aside a specific amount of time to work on your plan. Consider quitting tobacco through hypnosis or a DIY Stop Smoking Program. Always examine ways and methods that will cause the least amount of stress. Always keep an open mind. Don't rush into trying each method, but allow yourself the flexibility to try something else if the first one doesn't work. The most critical thing is to not punish or beat yourself up if you fail. You have plenty of options.

Third tip: As you make progress, award yourself small rewards. 

Establish small rewards for yourself as you progress through your quit smoking plan. That way you will feel confident about your quit and the rewards will keep you motivated to keep trying.

The Fourth Tip: Work to overcome struggles and stress. 

You can change the things in your life that cause you stress instead of smoking if you are doing so due to stressful events in your life. In fact, smoking will not alter that environment; it will not disappear by itself. Change your environment, especially if it is located in an area where you habitually smoke, e.g. your favorite chair by a window. When you are stressed, don't return to those areas where you used to smoke because this triggers you to feel weak and decide to snuff

The fifth tip is to seek out other individuals who have quit before you.
When you are working through the process of quitting smoking, make sure the support you are getting is from someone who understands what you are suffering through. This is not someone who has never smoked. Beware of people who still smoke; all they will want to do are bringing you down to overcome their own feelings of not being able to stop.

The sixth tip is to find another smoker who is also willing to quit. 

There is no point in quitting with someone unless they are as dedicated and committed as you are. You are less likely to give in if someone else is working with you and holding you accountable. Quitting smoking is not easy, but difficult tasks are easier to accomplish together.

The seventh tip is to ensure you get enough sleep. 

Whenever you quit smoking, your body is put through physical and emotional changes. If you don't take care of yourself and get the rest you need, you are more likely to be cranky, upset, and angry with the world. If you want to stop smoking permanently, this is counterproductive.

The eighth tip is to commit to quitting for good. 

You will not succeed or put a lot of effort into quitting if you plan on quitting for just a weekend or a short period of time. If you plan to quit for good, you're going to put in a lot more effort and time because you want to succeed.

The ninth tip is to think of other ways to distract yourself from cigarettes. 

If you always think about smoking cigarettes, guess what happens? The more you focus on smoking, the more tempted you will be to smoke. Focus on work rather than stepping outside for a smoke, think of other things, or imagine a smoke-free future if you have to. Reading a book, exercising, talking on the phone, surfing the internet, or even cooking can occupy your mind and keep you from worrying about when your last cigarette was.

The tenth tip is to be open to alternatives. 

Smoking cessation drugs and nicotine patches are popular among doctors and pharmaceutical companies, but these are usually short-term solutions and don't fix the root cause of the addiction. Smoking cessation medications can cause side effects, and nicotine patches and gums are filled with the very substance you've become addicted to...nicotine.
How to stop smoking with these 10 tips


How to stop smoking with these 10 tips


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