I can call myself a really lucky landscape photographer, because I live in a beautiful landscape with dozens of motives.
The dolomites have become very crowded in recent years, and some places 
are like a bucket list. The intention is to go there and take a photo and post it on social media (With some it seems to me : I get the photo whatever it costs).
Sometimes there are dozens of people leaving their trash, destroying the ground and disturbing the animals. The inhabitants of these places also get their money's worth, more in the negative sense than in positive.  

From time to time I still visit some of these places, because I have known them for many years and I really love them . 
The photos from these places are nothing special anymore, and being surrounded by many people is not what I am used to in landscape photography.   
But for a few moments, I can still immerse myself in the moment and block out everything around me. The magic of these landscapes takes hold of me 
and I am speechless. 

Everyone is welcome, and I know a lot of you respect our nature.
So try to stay on the marked trails, don't leave trash and don't make fires in the National Parks!!!
This way we can preserve these fantastic places for a long time and experience more great moments.

Mountains are freedom. Treat them respectfully. 
"Conrad Anker"

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We´ve reached more than 2000 followers, so happy to see that! Thank you for all the great feedback and comments!! Thank you very much!
- Martin

Dolomites XXXVI