Bazil Raubach's profile

Biden, a very weak leader

Biden's weak leadership is now 
America's top national security threat


The need for strong leadership is never more acutely felt than when it is missing. Here we stand, 20 years after 9/11, possibly in greater peril than we were on that terrible day. We have been placed in this position by feeble leadership that is crashing down before our eyes in its own plume of sad debris. Twenty years of American history bookended by shocking calamities. 
The Biden administration has exposed itself as incapable of making basic prudential decisions, and then compounding it with outrageous statements by the president, Pentagon brass, and the State Department that have many Americans asking, “What were you thinking?” What were you thinking when you decided to extract military personnel from Afghanistan without moving American civilians and Afghan employees out of harm’s way first?
Pentagon generals sputtered that their forces could abandon ship ahead of everyone else because they believed that the Afghan Security Forces they trained and equipped would protect the Americans and Afghani cooperators left behind. This will go down as one of the most spectacular intelligence failures in U.S. history, comparable to the decision to invade Iraq based on faulty WMD intelligence.  
Who made this decision? Even if the military leaders had convinced themselves that placing hope in an Afghani force was the best strategy, it still doesn’t explain why they apparently violated the first rule of operational planning: always consider and prepare for the worst-case scenario. This whole debacle reeks of political drivers over tactical prudence.​​​​​​​

Biden, a very weak leader


Biden, a very weak leader
