Adabelle Tan's profile

Character Practice 2021


I've been trying to tackle my other weakness - Characters - Specifically humans for now.

My goal was to analyze the poses from photographs, simplify the body however I can and sketch it out within 5-10 minutes (Sometimes up to 15 mins when the poses were too complex for me brain). The other constraint was to not replicate or refer to a specific style. ( But let's be real -- they probably look like something you and I have seen before somewhere on the internet -- because nothing is truly original and I have a tiny visual library in my head by now 🤪)

I only referred to the photographs in the initial sketch phase, so the finals were all based on my sketch, rather than the photographs. This meant that I had to make up some sort of arbitrary environment for them that mostly made no sense. 🤪

While I don't think I'll ever be a character designer (nor do I want to be), I do want to get a little more comfortable at drawing humans eventually... so here's to that~ 

Pose refs were from Quickposes, Pinterest, Unsplash.

C H A R A C T E R  P R A C T I C E  10 - 12
[ "Concealed by Foliage"; "Superstar"; "Mesmerized by Floaties" ]

For this batch, the aim was elegance.
I wanted to render these characters in a semi-realistic way - paying close attention to
defining features of the made-up face with light, shadow and atmosphere..

C H A R A C T E R  P R A C T I C E  7 - 9
[ "A Head-scratch Moment"; "The Flamingo"; "Passerby 8909 w/ Patterned Pants" ]

Because I enjoyed not overthinking so much during the previous batch.
I continued doing another 3 in a similar style, but this time in a different,
more funky color scheme reminiscent of 70s workout fashion.

C H A R A C T E R  P R A C T I C E   4 - 6
[ "Impatient Patron"; "Buff Bro"; "Finger Cramps" ]

I like things to look clean and orderly, so this was a practice in letting go,
and allowing myself to create wild strokes and marks I would typically avoid making.
No linework or cleanup process whatsoever!

Line not straight? LET IT BE. Off a few pixels? IT'S FINE.
Hands are not supposed to look that way? FUDGE THE RULES. 
Overall, it was quite cathartic.

C H A R A C T E R  P R A C T I C E  1 - 3
[ "Luscious Locks Amidst A Sparse Wheat Field"; "Riverside Chillin' - Human On Rock"; "A Naked Flexible Man" ]

Cleanliness, simplicity and exaggeration of the body was the goal of this batch.
Also, I wanted to feature body hair. :D

Thanks for stopping by!
Character Practice 2021

Character Practice 2021
