Wasim Abbas's profile

Audiovisual Work

As rocky as the path to your aspirations might be, there is light at the end of the tunnel. Trust the process, keep your eyes on the ultimate goal and acknowledge the journey. You will reach your destination.

Track ID - Atu - Astrid's last Song
Feb 2018
There is a shared growth in selfless love.

Track ID: Daniel Caeser - Violet
March 2018
There is an unstoppable energy within you, all your molecules are aligned perfectly. Be patient, listen to your mind and body, you are moments away from achieving a heightened state. When the time is right, you will blossom and every atom of your entire being will dance in unison.

Track ID: Aiiso - Gravity
Feb 2018
The Eye of Providence, circa 2050.

Track ID: Yotto - Fire Walk
March 2018
A short film made in 50 hours for the India Film Project 2017 competition. 

Theme: Everything is connected
My Role: Cinematography, Lighting, Direction, Editing
A stand-up comedy special from the upcoming talent - Neelaksh Mathur. Shot at That Comedy Club, Bangalore in Aug 2019.

Budget - 100$
My Role - Creative Direction, Cinematography, Colour Correction
Ad project for jeweler VNM Gold based in Kochi, Kerala. 
The motive was to promote their sales for the Diwali festival in Nov 2021.

Budget - 100$
Time - 12 hours 
My Role -Videography, Editing

Audiovisual Work

Audiovisual Work
