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Volkswagen 24h Snowball Fight Stunt

Volkswagen will help sick kids just be kids for 24 hours by organizing a virtual, nation-wide snowball fight. 
The project features digital SMS slingshots. People on site type in a wish for a child onto the keyboard of the slingshot, then use the sling to aim and project their wish onto a giant screen. People offsite can also text wishes to be projected onto the screen.
Covering the screen triggers a video featuring some of the children at St Justine. The kids then wish for a giant snowball fight, at which point LED snowballs will be dropped into the crowd. Screens will be set up in major cities across Canada to coordinate a national snowball fight!  
Volkswagen 24h Snowball Fight Stunt

Volkswagen 24h Snowball Fight Stunt

A proposal for a Canada-wide digital interactive stunt to raise funds and awareness for the 24h of Tremblant.
