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Is Tinnitus the First Stage of Hearing Loss?

Is Tinnitus the First Stage of Hearing Loss?
Tinnitus is when you experience ringing and other noises in one or both of your ears, yet no one around you seems to hear them.

Underlying conditions such as injury of the ear, the problem with the circulatory system or hearing loss can usually cause tinnitus. It can also be caused by both noise-induced and age-related hearing loss. Tinnitus is reduced when the underlying condition is treated.

Symptoms of Tinnitus
A ringing in the ear represents tinnitus, and it is characterised by buzzing, clicking, hissing and humming. The noises of tinnitus may vary in tone. It can be a high squeal or low roar in one or both ears. The noises may be present all the time or may go away after a while. Tinnitus’ symptoms vary from one person to the other.

Causes of Tinnitus
As one grows older, hearing sensitivity can get worse. As hearing deteriorates, one might experience tinnitus.

Loud noise
Being regularly exposed to loud occupational noise from heavy equipment, chain saws, or firearms is a common cause of tinnitus.

Common diseases and conditions
Diseases such as anaemia, allergies, high blood pressure, cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and underactive thyroid gland can lead to tinnitus.

How to Deal with Tinnitus
When you experience tinnitus, you need to consult a medical professional and get checked. Tinnitus has various causes, and the only way to deal with it is to find the underlying problem. For example, if tinnitus is caused by health problems such as high blood pressure, you will need to control your blood pressure, reduce stress, and decrease caffeine consumption.

Another method to deal with tinnitus is attending tinnitus retaining therapy. The therapy is designed to teach you how to ignore background ringing noise in the ear.

Counselling sessions are required for an individual who is suffering from depression or suicidal thoughts due to tinnitus.

Tinnitus is one of the symptoms of hearing loss. However, it is not necessarily the first stage of hearing loss. If you suspect that tinnitus results from hearing loss, see an audiologist and have a hearing test. They will recommend hearing aids that will reduce tinnitus.

If you’re searching for affordable hearing aids, look no further than EarDeals. We have some of the most affordable and highest quality hearing aids on the market. Visit our website to browse our range or contact us for more information.
Is Tinnitus the First Stage of Hearing Loss?

Is Tinnitus the First Stage of Hearing Loss?


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