liam mcmanus's profile


The Justice shoot
 My thoughts with this photo were to first capture the superhero essence that batman has. Then after I took the photo, I decided to increase the color in the photo and change the temperature to bring out the blue in his suit, and with the shadow cast, it captures the idea of batman. 
The same idea as before but this time in black and white I think gives it a cool dark and gritty feels like batman he's dark and rough and the black and white really highlights it.
Now like before with the color changes I wanted to add more background elements so that is where the symbol comes in. The thing I struggled with there was trying to figure out how to get the symbol in the frame without my hand or anything else but then an idea came about having it look like it is on a building which I think I succeed with. 
With this photo, I wanted to include the box and take a more product influenced shot with the box it came in and the small background came inbox so it was asking to be included the struggle here was lighting up the shot without a very big glare from the light because both the box and background have reflective surfaces.   
The world tour shoot 
To give context Logic is an American rapper and songwriter. The book was written by him so I wanted to add it to not only add color but add more elements to the frame I struggled with framing the most with more elements in the frame I tried to capture the image without anything extra like the cut-off of the table.   
You can't have a world tour without a performance, which is why this picture makes sense in my collection the color gives a concert element in it, and the low lights in the background show there is a light shining onto him and the Christmas lights give more color and add more elements.  
With this photo, I added more color aspects and raised the camera up to show more of the shadow.
In this photo, I added black and white to give an old feeling to the photo like the photo is a memory from the past. 
These two shots work together but have different light setups with one being darker and having less light like the show is almost ending or he is performing a slower song and the second has the opposite feel with more light and gives a feel of a faster song and like the concert is just starting.  
Family picture 
Everyone gets family photos done ever Deadpool and his many many personalities each one with a base color of red but different accent colors adding more texture and elements I struggle with keeping them still now it sounds weird but they are all bobbleheads so they move with a little nudge and I kicked the table so they wouldn't stop moving.  
Unhappy little accidents 
If anyone knows Bob ross you know there are never mistakes they are called happy little accidents but with Deadpool ross, they are Unhappy little accidents I enjoy the color and how each one works together for the shot.   
My favorite shots 


