OCD 甲古文設計's profile

国台·君至青印 Guotai · Junzhi Qingyin




Warm winter sunshine, and wine fragrance
A gentleman's style is endless

In the four seasons' rotation
It's the unity of heaven and earth

Man and nature
Those with broad minds gather with you
Imprinting the East and drinking freely with great joviality
Understanding the general situation of life



Guotai · Junzhi Qingyin is produced in Maotai Town, the core prodution area of Maotai-flavor liquor. It is made by Guizhou Guotai Liquor Co., Ltd, "the second largest brewing enterprise in Maotai Town", which is authorized by the government. The unique water, soil, climate, temperature and dominant microbial communities constitute the magical land of Maotai Town, and also lay the unique style of standard Maotai-flavor liquor.

Under the current new trend of consumption, behind the new national tide is the recognition of Chinese culture and national self-confidence in this era. Guotai · Junzhi Qingyin contains the traditional Chinese way of keeping good faith, and shows the beauty of elegance of exceeding the original. It shows the feelings of home and country with the A Thousand Miles of Rivers and Mountains, and leads the market pattern of flavored liquor with the brand of Maotai-flavor of Great Power. OCD believes that Guotai · Junzhi Qingyin will grow into the brightest star in the flavored liquor market in the future.


Guotai · Junzhi Qingyin, as a good wine to pay tribute to the contemporary gentleman, is matched with the quality of Guotai, the connotation of the way of a gentleman, and the aesthetics and identity of the contemporary gentleman. Therefore, inspired by the brand positioning and industry status of "Maotai-flavor of Great Power · Guotai leading", OCD reinterprets the brand's cultural personality and aesthetic charm in design to continue the spiritual core of Guotai. The brand new design endows the product with meaning. From the perspective of color, bottle shape, device type and cultural heritage, the traditional image of flavored liquor is removed, strengthening the market recognition, and giving new cultural connotation to Guotai, so as to make a fresh presentation.


The appearance of Guotai · Junzhi Qingyin is mainly in azure color. The azure color represents the oriental charm, just like the vast sky and soft water, which are integrated with the character of a gentleman. It is simple and elegant, not only with the heroic of thousands of miles of rivers and mountains, but also imbued with rare calmness and flexibility.

Its illustration patterns at the bottleneck and packaging are taken from the unparalleled picture scroll "A Thousand Miles of Rivers and Mountains", which integrates the ancient brewing process of flavored liquor into the mountain and river picture. The slowly unfolding beautiful mountains and rivers are just like the true portrayal of China in its heyday, and the Chinese dream in the heart of Wang Ximeng, a young painter thousands of years ago, is also an excellent exposition of a gentleman's feeling for mountains and rivers, as well as his minds for his country.



The [bottle body] of Guotai · Junzhi Qingyin is taken from the treasure of traditional Chinese Architecture -- the Temple of Heaven in Beijing. Its round and light bottle shape is matched with layers of progressive circular texture, imitating the round hill shape, symbolizing the progress and accessibility of a gentleman; and it interprets what is the supreme realm of successful life, which is not only the natural attribute of reverence and majesty, but also the ideological height of the unity of nature and man.

The [main label] of the bottle body is taken from the heavenly heart stone, which sets off the leading quality of Guotai wine and the leadership of a gentleman. The [sub label] Junzhi Qingyin is embedded in the plaque shape, giving people a magnificent visual impact and a sense of solemnity and respect. The angular shape of the [bottle cap] is inspired by the eaves and slopes of royal buildings. It implies the sharpness and edge of a gentleman, and also represents the persistence of the heart.

[品牌策划]:刘文 / 董俊驿 / 陈秋敏
[产品设计]:刘文 / 吴先文 / 项目一组


Planning Brand :   Liu Wen / Dong Jun Yi / Chen Qiu Ming 
Packaging Design :  Liu Wen / Wu Xian Wen / 项目一组
Illustration :Wu Xian Wen
Project Manager :Jiang Peng
国台·君至青印 Guotai · Junzhi Qingyin

国台·君至青印 Guotai · Junzhi Qingyin
