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Social Impact Design

Social Impact Design: Reducing Floral Waste
Student Project 2021

How might we encourage Millennials to shop at eco-conscious flower shops, in order to reduce floral waste (garbage), and thus minimize impact on the environment to ultimately improve the health of all living things on our planet?

Design Solution
I created a mascot of a personified flower with a memorable character for the ad designs. Combined with the headline "Natural packaging is the new 'no-makeup' look for flowers", the public will learn about the idea that natural compostable packaging is the way to go when choosing packaging for flowers. Different coloured versions of the flower design provide a fun mood to the series. The bright colours used not only relate to the beautiful blooms displayed inside a flower shop, but also help the ads to be more noticeable in both physical and digital settings. The following show the flexibility of this design used in different formats.
Social Impact Design


Social Impact Design
