Photography within Editorial Design
Project Brief
Create a campaign that will educate and inspire people to practice safe sex. Create a poster, an animated WeTransfer background, and a third deliverable of your choice. Brand your campaign in a catchy way that allows people to recognise, remember and refer to it. Make use of a slogan, a hashtag, a watchword, etc. Do enough research to make sure your campaign is engaging and useful to your target audience.
Technical Specifications
1. To differentiate and communicate your campaign effectively a golden thread is key
2. Keep your user in mind and where they might come across your collateral
3. Don't rush the research, immerse yourself in the topic 
4. Your deliverables need to be photographic in nature
1. A3 poster 
2. Animated WeTransfer background
3. Third deliverable of your choice
Design Strategy
I decided to redesign this project almost entirely because I felt that my previous representation was inaccurate and the message was unclear. The design and editing style felt out of date and not in line with the aesthetic I was aiming for. For the redesign I reached out on the university's Up and Out social group to ask for volunteers that are gender-non-conforming to model for me. This is how I met Alex, a non-binary member of the community. We got together for the photoshoot and discussed discussed the trials and tribulations of being a member of the community. I decided to go for a double exposure effect to give the sense of fluidity with regards to identity. I think this effect is more effective than a collage effect to create something beautiful and breathtaking. I also decided to include 2 posters instead of 1 to expand the campaign just slightly, The key is to direct people to a guide online about sex-education that is not gender biased and that is open for everyone to read. This will be done with the use of a QR code. The WeTransfer is a series of shots blurring in and out of focus to suggest two people going to bed and taking each other's clothes off. I kept the gif the same as the original but adjusted the colours and typefaces accordingly. It is an instructional video on how to create a cape (a condom for someone who does not fit conventional condom sizes) from a latex glove.
"I never really understood my identity until my partner told me that she has never looked at me in the context of my gender, she just saw me as a person." - Alex
Screenshots of Sex Education Material
Favourite Shots
Photoshop Colour Experimentation and Layering
Final Deliverables
Final Poster Designs
Poster Mockups
Final Gif Design
Event Branding


Event Branding
