This Robotic Arm is a prototype I developed to help people with certain physical disabilities such as cerebral palsy, ALS, and other types of muscular dystrophy to still be able to interact with physical objects in a neat way. The Arm has a small and compact controller that can be positioned under the hands which will allow the user to pick up small objects such as rings, chess pieces, and other light weight game pieces. This project was a great experience for me because it gave me insight on how mechanical systems work with design which could be very beneficial for my future. It also showed me how these processes work to better the lives of people around me.  
Video demo
For this build process I first wrote out all of the code in Arduino first which would allow it to move the independent servo motors. I then tested this code on a servo motor that had not been mounted yet. After that I downloaded a 3d modeled Arm from an already existing project and printed it out.
Link to existing project:
Link to my Arduino code:
This is the Hello World assembly of the arm just to make sure the key components fit correctly. 
This is a Hello world demo to test that the code was working properly with the different servos. 
After this I 3d modeled a controller to fit the buttons potentiometers, and joystick inside. Lastly I build an enclosure to hide the countless number of wires inside. 
Robotic Arm

Robotic Arm
