Anthony Edwards's profile

Dark vs Light Side (Anakin Skywalker)

This is another project from my freshman year Graphic Arts I which I now finished in my sophomore year in Graphic Arts II. For this project we were tasked with creating an illustration using all triangles.
I decided to illustrate a Star Wars image because it is one of my favorite franchises and I also thought there would be potential to create a very cool image. I searched Anakin Skywalker on YouTube and found this photo which according to the watermark can also be found on
I decided to start with eyes, specifically starting with the left eye. I went with the eyes first because I felt like they were going to take pretty long to complete due to the difference with in the irises of the eyes.
After finishing the the iris, which was pretty complicated, I went and did the white of the eye. After finishing the white of the eye I started working on the eyebrows and skin below the eye. At this point I began switching from smaller triangles to more medium sized ones. I also started working on the red eye as well.
After about a week or two of working on this project, I got both of the eyes done along with both eyebrows. I also was able to complete some of the left side of the forehead and to begin working on the upper nose bridge. At this point I was making progress but, overall it was still taking me a while to complete the overall thing.
After a long hiatus(About 6 months), I decided to start working on this project again. I got more work done because I was now a little more experienced with using illustrator, and I also was now working on the forehead and lower face which required bigger triangles.  
Here's some more of the progress I made after returning. At this point I started working on the "dark side" Darth Vader side of the forehead and face.
Here's an image of my progress with out the background layer. You can tell that this is a face at this point, maybe a true Star Wars fan would be able to  see what I am going for without the background.
Here's, my triangle portrait without the background and more progress made. I started to fill in the gaps between the eyes and nose and I also started working on the mouth as well as the hair. The hair was kinda hard to portray with triangles, and I ended up using bigger triangles, but I think I still managed to make it look pretty decent for being in triangles.
Here's the final result of the project which required many diligent days of me working and me staying up almost all night to finally finish the last parts.I finally finished all the face and the Darth Vader side of the face. I also did the upper torso and the neck. For the background I decided to not go with more triangles, but a simplistic half black/ half red background which is akin to the original background. Overall I would say that I am satisfied with my work, and would say I doesn't put Star Wars Art to shame, but rather reflects what Star Wars art could be. 
Here is a mockup of my piece on a very large canvas, perhaps for like an art exhibit for an example. I think a large canvas would be very fitting for my piece, this is world class at right here!
Here you can see my painting as a MacBook wallpaper, which I actually think is legitimately a pretty good background, especially for anyone who likes Star Wars or Art. It is basic yet simultaneously complex. If anyone wants to take this and make into a wallpaper, fill free too. 
Here is my art as a mockup on a credit card, perhaps a special edition credit card on a sale for a limited amount of time type of credit card. Now you can spend our cash in style. If Disney ever releases a special edition Star Wars credit card you might know where they got the idea from.
Dark vs Light Side (Anakin Skywalker)

Dark vs Light Side (Anakin Skywalker)
