Photographs from the last three years taken mostly across the Western Coastal belt of Maharashtra ft. long winding roads covered in dense forest and clouds. It's always a soothing experience to bank on, away from the madness of city life. Images shot on Nikon DSLR as well as on my smartphone. 
A moment in passing. High in the forest feeling a little more alive than usual. In our busy lives, busy schedules, we often forget one thing - ourselves. 
Life goals: own a home in the hills
Some things in life are too beautiful to be looked away. We spend minutes, hours, days, phases of life searching for beauty, peace and calmness while it exists right in our plain sight. 
PS: If you would like a print of any of the above images, I would be more than happy to give it away. You can reach out to me on Instagram @ viraj_89 or drop a message here on Behance :)



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