José Domingo's profile

Sony Music – Motel Consuelo Music Video

I've directed and drawn the animated music video for "Motel Consuelo" by Ángel Stanich and Nina de Juan. 

After designing both the latest EP and LP by Ángel Stanich, I was commissioned to create an animated piece out of one of the hits in the record,, Motel Consuelo.

It is a road-movie-song with references to David Lynch movies and a somehow eerie vibe to it, speaking about a place that may be either physical or ethereal.

Work process
I listened to the song many, many, many times until some images started to shape out in my head. Then I put them down into a storyboard that we discussed together with the musician. 

Since we all were happy with the direction it was heading to, I started turning the storyboard panels into fully fledged illustrations for each shot, so they could be animated by the wonderful Mario Arenas.

You can take a look at the process below.

Such a joyful crazy work for a crazy song!

Storyboard, art & direction:José Domingo
Animation & editing by Mario Arenas
Video commisioner: Guillermo Enguita
Production: Sony Music Spain

Full Storyboard
Sony Music – Motel Consuelo Music Video


Sony Music – Motel Consuelo Music Video

Music video for Sony Music for the track Motel Consuelo by Ángel Stanich and Nina de Juan
