Herbst du Plessis's profile

Collectable Animata - Atlantic Bluefin Tuna

Collectable Animata
Design and create luxury collectables, products that people want to have/collect because they are rare or beautiful. You were assigned to design and create a luxury collectable that is an endangered animal as reference (Atlantic Bluefin Tuna). With this in mind you need to envision a world where this species has gone extinct and design a sustainable, timber, machine-inspired version to replace the original one. This should be used as a base inspiration driven reference. The design should be designed for a batch production line with 3 limited identical replicas. Be conscious about what forms is used to create, as they need to communicate appropriate emotion and quality.
High fidelity prototype
Collectable Animata - Atlantic Bluefin Tuna

Collectable Animata - Atlantic Bluefin Tuna
