Samuel Bucheli's profile

Stereoscopic Time Machine "Alpenblick"

Excerpts from the animation (without stereoscopic effect):
In the actual experience, viewers are in full control of the stereoscopic content: By turning a wheel they can move forward or backward in time - at their own chosen tempo. They can stop at any moment to take a closer look and read the inscriptions - or just rush through 300 Millions of years in a few seconds...
Excerpt 1: formation of the Alps and part of the last glacial cycle.
Excerpt 2: anthropocene, historic city growth and a possible future in geological time scale.
Glaciers and city growth with stereoscopic effect
The following clip is a red-cyan single image stereoscopic rendering example. With a pair of red-cyan glasses the 3d effect comes to life. The final Version was rendered in a 4K side by side setting. At the Museum a special viewer separates the images for  left and right eye and allows an experience in true colors.
to experience stereoscopic 3d, use a pair of red-cyan glasses
Screenshots without stereoscopic effect.
Additional Scientific Advisors:
Julien Seguinot, Glaciology
Fabian Küng, Archeology
Beni Stocker, Earth System Science

Data and other Sources:
Digital Elevation Model present time: AW3D30 provided by JAXA(Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency)

Reference Maps:

Building Footprint Reference Data:

Land Cover Data present time:
CORINE CLC2018     

Glacier Flow:
Informed by “Modelling last glacial cycle ice dynamics in the Alps”, video and data-set provided by J.Seguinot

Post Glacial Lake and River Landscape:
B. Keller: Lake Lucerne and Its Spectacular Landscape, 2020

Stereoscopic Time Machine "Alpenblick"


Stereoscopic Time Machine "Alpenblick"

The Glacier Garden Museum Lucerne now offers a new Experience: Stereoscopic Time Travel. With the time machine "Alpenblick" Viewers take a trip t Read More
