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Typography - Font Family Poster

PURPOSE: Design a poster to sell a font to a designer. The project will give you an opportunity to work with typographic hierarchy in a poster format. The poster should show the versatility and possibility of the assigned font. It should also contain all of the information needed for the designer to make a purchasing decision. 

WHAT MAKES THIS SUCCESSFUL: The font poster is first and foremost shows the font name front and center, followed by the font families which is what is being advertised, and the history of the font after. As a whole it is successful, because it organizes the information from most important to least as your eyes move down. Also, because the font is used by a lot of magazine and fashion houses, like Calvin Klein, showing artistic versatility with the colors and large letters help establish those roots.
DESIGN PRINCIPLES: Visual Hierarchy is utilized through scale and position. Scale, because the information that is meant to draw the eye is the largest element, and then scales down as you go down the poster. Visual hierarchy with positioning is seen through how the poster is formatted. The upper third of the poster is most important with the font name and families, the middle third is second with the history of the font, and the last third shows an artistic visual of the font as well as price and where to purchase. 

Balance is another design principle that is used, and can be seen with the equal amount of negative space used to separate the font families.
Typography - Font Family Poster

Typography - Font Family Poster
