At the end of an autumn colors photography tour of Yosemite Valley, we were at Sentinel Bridge with its famous views of the Merced River and Half Dome.  Making my way down to the river, I became entranced with the reflections of the foliage along the bank, ripples caused by a light breeze providing an Impressionist look. I took a few dozen shots, some with a polarizer, some without, capturing a shifting array of colors and shades.  Fortunate enough to have visited Giverny --  Claude Monet's famous house and gardens in the north of France -- I couldn't help but think of the great painter and wonder how he would have perceived the magnificent valley if he had visited it when alive. 
                                                 © 2021 by Christopher Bomba
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Monet in Yosemite

Monet in Yosemite
