This website was created during a midterm project on one pagers - websites which feature all content on one main site instead of several subsites. My site was an attempt at scrollytelling about the Slavic folklore character Baba Yaga. Scrollytelling is a type of interactive storytelling where the user themselves triggers movements such as the appearing/disappearing, movement or animation of various elements. 

It is composed of three scenes and mostly black and white. The opening sequence is inspired by Khokhloma, a style of Russian wood painting often featuring floral patterns in gold, red and green on a black background. The limited colour scheme and dark background should contribute to a eerie atmosphere fitting to Baba Yaga.
The site was created with the ScrollTrigger plug-in and the JavaScript animation library GreenSock. Timing the animation of elements and attempting to make the website responsive was quite challenging for me. The size of text and images need to be as well as the speed and distance which they move changes drastically depending on the device they are viewed on. Because of this and time constraints the website is rather short, not responsive and there is no proper story. Nontheless, I learned a lot about setting up a one-pager and the mechanics of ScrollTrigger. 

The website can be found here.

Baba Yaga

Baba Yaga


Creative Fields