Title: Poodle Dreams
Dimensions: 25cm X 31cm
Materials: Mixed media majorly compromising of polymer clay, acrylic paint, pan pastels, makeup, gems, glitter and satin ribbon.
The intended audience for my art piece are for those who share similar interests in surrealism, fantasy, fairycore aesthetics, and pieces that express and share Korean media/pop-culture influences. The art intended is to help spread representation of a menagerie of components taken from my personal childhood, interests and fully living my daydream through my art. The very process of making this art piece took notes from my previous character design drawings I used to do when I was interested in Japanese animation, unfortunately those drawings are lost but through this piece I was able to relive and physically manifest and create my previous art but into a 3 dimensional scape which was once before a dreamscape. My art style is often described as whimsical and dreamy. The reason for choosing a poodle as the main imagery is due to a fun time I had with interacting with pet poodles and wanting to test my skills as a sculptor to see if I could execute this well. The colour purple has always been my favourite colour since childhood so I was fond to use this in my project. Despite the meaning of the artwork itself having a shallow depth [the piece exploring uniqueness, individuality and poshness] I realised that the process unlocked memories I had. This piece reminded me of a fairy poodle princess warrior expressing her differences much like how I have accepted and embraced my differences of being from a foreign background. The piece imbues beauty because to me that is a weapon to utilise and to prompt self love, I remembered during my years of insecurity I would be compared to 'western' girls and being labelled as 'not pretty' because I was 'Asian', this piece embodies the power of keeping our differences much like the poodle is a representative of that metaphor.
Poodle Dreams

Poodle Dreams
