Deskonnect is a set of desk elements, that connect to each other like puzzle.

The group wanted to create a desk set that could adapt to any desk and any worker.
We also didn't want it to take much space in a desk.

The piece works well together or separate, to fit a workers needs.
The set contains 5 objects, a cup/mug base, a phone stand that has charging cord space, a cord divider for the electronics, a plant vase and a pen and pencil stand.
The first sketch for my pencil stand required much more material, making it less economic and ecologic and took more space.
A new idea came to mind, alongside the other elements, they all worked together like puzzle pieces. And do the stand now only consisted of acrylic and cork wood with holes of various sizes, so any pencil or pen size could fit.
The project was made with a laser cutter, for all the parts for the cork and acrylic material.
Assembling the parts.
The final set altogether.
(Group Project)
Carolina Vieira
Ema Rodrigues
André Lopes
Mariana Franco
November - December 2017
Design III Class
Bachelor in Design - 2nd Year
Faculdade de Arquitetura - Universidade de Lisboa
Deskonnect (2017)

Deskonnect (2017)
