Nathan Morgan's profile

Elements and principals

Proportion/Scale: This shows all the front proportions of the car, at the angle its at.
Space/perspective: The top down angle follows the lines of the headlights and demonstrates perspective.
Shape/Form: The close up angle of the taillights shows the unique shape of them.
Value: Everything else besides the lights is very dark, putting emphasis on the subject.
Texture: This shows a lot of greenery and trees, along with the house its focused on, and there are a lot of unique shapes and textures.
Emphasis: The contrast between the green against the unsaturated barn puts emphasis on the subject.
Balance: There are only 3 colors, but each color is balanced out by the other ones, there is no leading color.
Rhythm/Movement: The car in motion is focused, but everything else around it is blurred, creating a frozen moment of movement.
Line: the two fences are split in two colors, creating a contrasting line in the middle.
Unity: The flowers and all the colors act in unity to create a certain mood in the photo.
Color: The tone and color of the photo sets a dark and rainy mood.
Variety: There is a large variety of shapes and textures in the clouds
Pattern: the droplets all look very similar and in the large quantity create a pattern.
1: It helps you shape your images and understanding of how you want your photos to look like.

2: I gained a bit more strategies to car photography

3: Maybe add an independent element/principal and have the person explain it.
Elements and principals

Elements and principals
