The Mighty Mouse
The Mighty Mouse is a custom computer mouse designed with specific ergonomic needs in mind. This mouse is fully functional, and utilizes the internal components of an Amazon Basics Mouse. It was designed for my Advanced Prototyping and Interactive Product Design course at Berry College.
What was the process design?
The first step in the design of the Mighty Mouse was evaluating personal ergonomic needs. This was done by painting the surface of multiple mice and placing my hand on them to see which areas receive physical contact and which do not. With this information, I could then begin to make a physical representation of what my ideal computer mouse would look like.
The Ergonomic Design
The Mighty Mouse was designed specifically for my hand, with special care taken for thumb support and palm support, while still having my fingers be fully supported. I could then use these reference photos to 3D Model the mouse using the form tool in Fusion360. This digital form could then be shelled to be hollow, and adjusted to fit in the internals of the Amazon Mouse. Once finalized, it was 3D Printed and tuned to ensure a quality design. (Seen Below)
Post Processing the Mighty Mouse
Once the final iteration of the model was printed, I could begin finishing the plastic body. to do this, I hand sanded the surface to eliminate the print lines, and leave me with a perfectly smooth mouse body. Once satisfied with the surface feel, I could prime and paint the mouse my desired color scheme. 
The Mighty Mouse


The Mighty Mouse
