Death by Moonlight is demake of Dead by Daylight in a PlayStation style. The game was made for 32Bits GameJam by a Team of two members (Including myself).

At first the idea was to make a Dead by Daylight demake, but the more we thought about the game, the bigger it become, until it's releasement, as an survival horror deeply inspired by Dead by Daylight and Resident Evil.​​​​​​​
The story follows an american-japanese desperate man seeking for his missed daughter, Azuka. After some phone call's he finally located the place where the kidnapper's were keeping Azuka. He gets in his car and go to the supposed location. 

What he didn't know was that the kidnapers were two of the most infamous assassin's in town. Now, he's only objective is to find his daughter and discover a way to get out of the house alive.
In the game, we have three different levels. The first one, focused on exploring the scenario and solving puzzles. The second one, where you need to repair generator's. And the last one, focused in escaping the place safely.

In the project I was responsible for the 2D art, Textures and a part of the Game Design.

You can find a link to a video of the beta version of the game and the page to download it down bellow. 

Hope you enjoy it :D!
Death by Moonlight


Death by Moonlight
