The Mighty Mouse
Everybody has used a computer mouse at this point in the digital age, but not everyone has used one that fits their hand well. Seeing as human hands come in all shapes in sizes, it could be nice to have a computer mouse specifically designed to fit the hand of the user. This was the inspiration for this project that largely based in ergonomics aesthetic. The mighty mouse is a 3D printed computer mouse shell designed to ergonomically fit my (Colt Doster's) hand. 
The Design Process
The shape of the mouse was developed from a clay model (images 1 and 2) that was made to fit the my specific desires. In this case, the computer mouse I typically use does not fit fully engage my palm very well and often leaves me grabbing it with just my fingertips. So I decided to solve this with the mighty mouse, and you may notice that the back of it sits very high. After that, I modeled the mouse in Fusion 360 (Image 3 and 4) based on the measurements taken from the clay model. Finally, the 3D print was tested, and remodeled to better fit areas that were slightly off from where they needed to be. Shown in the last 2 images, all of the marked areas needed to be extruded a bit to better fit my palm. 
Finishing Touches 
After the Mighty Mouse was finally printed to specification, it was dry and then wet sanded, primer was applied, then several coats of paint, and last but not least a clear coat was applied to give a glossy finish.  
Mighty Mouse

Mighty Mouse
