Rosalba Lizio's profile

Emotional Photography

For one of my projects I had to create photographs based on the word Danger
The image should attempt to portray a visual message that I have developed from the
word, taking into consideration how deliver this message by the use of visual rhetoric.

This representative image deliberately shows the damage done by cigarettes, as per the printed warning “Il fumo riduce la fertilità”, but can also be interpreted as a metaphor of the slow destruction caused by the action of smoking.
One of many things associated with smoking is death, arguably because it’s a possible consequence of this vicious bad habit. When we see someone smoking, we tend to associate it with something dangerous. I wanted to express this sense of danger using the package of cigarettes as a metaphor.  

Image construction:
This image was shot in direct natural light, I set up the two objects on a bare table in order for the cigarette package to stand out from the shallow depth of field and make sure that the glass surface enhanced the reflections of the subject. By isolating the objects and through the use of adjustment layer masks, I forced the viewer to focus on the dark sigarette to reinforce the message of impending danger.
Smoking is used as a metaphor of destruction, the one sigarette sticking out from the package represents the last cigarette a smoker person might puff on before tobacco kills him. I got rid of the colours in that one cigarette and made it dark with black and white effect in Photoshop and added adjustment curves and hue layers.

Emotional Photography

Emotional Photography


Creative Fields