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Building Visibility to Market a Self-Published Book

Building Visibility to Market a Self-Published Book

Authors who choose or are invited to publish their work through a traditional publisher have certain advantages: the credibility of a publisher's imprint. There was a time when a self-published book faced daunting odds for success. But that's changing today, and a book publicist will tell you that authors who publish independently can succeed – if they take the necessary steps to support a marketing campaign. The first is taking the time to develop a well-rounded book marketing plan, with or without professional support. It should contain a range of activities to reach target media and readers.

One of the first and most important things to do in advance is to launch a well-designed website. It doesn't need to be overly long but does need to include a bio, picture, links of press coverage, and, when available, a copy of your book cover. Just about everyone who today hears about your book will search for information online. When your website comes up in search results and makes a good impression, it can help someone decide to buy or order a copy. You'll also want to pick one or two social media channels, launch a profile and connect with people who could become advocates or book buyers.

Don't forget about a blog connected to your website because it's a place where many writers shine – and help spark sales of their book(s). Website content is fixed and updated occasionally. Blogs are more current and contain timelier information. Posting at least weekly is an excellent idea, and post to social media several times a week to keep your accounts current and appearing active. The key is to understand the kind of posts (rarely make them promotional) your target readers like to read and ensure you stay in those realms. Unless you write about controversial topics, steer clear of them.

What's essential to keep in mind throughout the process is the level of competition books today face. It's why only a multi-faceted marketing approach will suffice in most cases. Over-reliance on any one factor likely means you'll have a marketing program that misses opportunities. Traditional book publicity continues to be effective also because nearly all the coverage it generates ends up being repurposed online, where it reaches a far larger audience ultimately. Building your author platform is also essential for long-term success. Once you have a fan base and a following, it will help future book launches.

Building Visibility to Market a Self-Published Book

Building Visibility to Market a Self-Published Book


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