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Intergalactic Research | Animated posters

"Unit", "Parallel Universe"

This artwork contains a hidden layer with augmented reality. Scan QR for AR.

Unit is first chapter of the diptych “Intergalactic Research". It is dedicated to the search of a significant unit in the Universe. But it’s not that simple. Distances in space are distorted. The points change their position when the grid stretches, objects falling into wormholes and find themselves in completely unexpected places.The interface with the running program still finds the unit in the OKEAN system and calculates the distance to it. However the code HD 219134 referes to the real distance of the closest exoplanet where life might exist.

"Parallel Universe"
Parallel Universe is the second chapter of the diptych “Intergalactic Research.” It is dedicated to a travel through the space to other unknown galaxies. Surely there is life, maybe it is similar to ours. Or maybe what leaves our world just ends up in a parallel Universe. Do you remember when you saw those winter birds with the red chest for the last time?


Each artwork is available as a printed poster with augmented reality. To see the animation on your phone - scan the QR code, it will open an instagram mask. Then use the front camera with the poster and enjoy.
Each poster is printed on 300gr paper, A3 size. To order an artwork just contact me here.

Intergalactic Research | Animated posters


Intergalactic Research | Animated posters

Диптих “INTERGALACTIC RESEARCH" - содержит две работы, выполненные в технике ассамбляж, акриловыми красками по дереву. Так же к каждой из работ п Read More
