Frederik E. E. Jørgensen's profile

Catch The Mice (JavaScript fundamentals)

JavaScript fundamentals
At the Danish School of Journalism we where given an assignment, to test our fundamental knowledge of JavaScript. We had to make a description of a program an afterwards code it with the use of HTML, CSS and JavaScript (of course). This is my description of my program:

"A cat has at the start caught 0 mice. When the user clicks on a photo of a mouse they catch one mouse. The maximum number of  mice caught is 10. The mice can randomly escape from the cat. after 60 seconds the time runs out and the user can't catch more mice."

(Having problems with images!)



As always i was inspired by old classic cartoons like Tom & Jerry, but what really inspired me to make this program was the game Cuphead. 

*I do not own the rights for this image, i did NOT make it*

Cuphead has a cat boss fight and the design of the cat inspired me so much that i had to make my own:

HTML, CSS & JavaScript

The following contains the code for this project. All HTML, CSS and JavaScript is coded in the Visual Studio Code editor.

Thanks for watching!

Catch The Mice (JavaScript fundamentals)


Catch The Mice (JavaScript fundamentals)
