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BWT AQUAlizer Family - Table Water Filtering

AQUAlizer Family
Table Water Filtering
The AQUAlizer Family is filtering impure or minerally unbalanced water. At the same time it’s enriched by magnesium. So the water becomes more healthy and optimized for a neutral taste also with coffee or tea.Family is filtering impure or minerally unbalanced water. At the same time it’s enriched by magnesium. So the water becomes more healthy and optimized for a neutral taste also with coffee or tea.
AQUAlizer Pitcher
So the water becomes more healthy and optimized for a neutral taste also with coffee or tea. The AQUAlizer pitcher is intended for higher volumes of filtered water than common table jug versions. The station features a removeable tank to be filled at the tap. The filter unit is placed in the center of the station resembling the working heart of the device. The color codes of the different types of cartridges shine through the frosted tank. By inserting the universal glass carafe into the station the water-stop-valve opens automatically. The set of glass carafes coming with the AQUAlizer Station can be filled and stored or cooled in a refrigerator’s door tray perfectly. 
AQUAlizer Station
The AQUAlizer Station is designed to handle a larger volume of filtered water than traditional table mugs. The station has a container that can be filled at the tap. The filter unit is located centrally in the station and is similar to the motor of a machine, whose differently colour-coded cartridges shine through the frosted water container. When the universal glass carafe is placed in the station, the water stop valve opens automatically. Several glass carafes included with the AQUAlizer Station can be filled and optimally stored and cooled in the refrigerator compartment.
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BWT AQUAlizer Family - Table Water Filtering

BWT AQUAlizer Family - Table Water Filtering
