Werther Xu's profile

Ocean Plastic Waste(Plastic-man)

The plastic garbage crisis has becoming a global disaster in recent years, because we tend to overlook the bigger problems behind the convenience disposable plastic brings to us. Eight million tons of plastic waste is being dumped into the oceans every year, which breaks down into tiny plastic particles sinking gradually into the food we consume. The accumulation of tiny plastic particles in the body can lead to diseases such as cancer, scientists say. I then expand my imaginations based on this premise.
A hundred years later, man mutated into plastic man as plastic particles swept across the globe. As a result of human degradation and loss of many abilities, human technology had not made great progress, but man’s life had undergone earth-shaking changes.
I will introduce the current plastic crisis in a cross-folding booklet, and complete the final three imaginary works in the form of digital drawing.

Outcome 1
Outcome 2
Ocean Plastic Waste(Plastic-man)


Ocean Plastic Waste(Plastic-man)


Creative Fields