This series of images intends to portray the redefinition of an object by presenting itself as a legacy. The object is a way of immortalizing a person and somehow, make her eternal.
The story and reason behind these images is the memory of my grandmother, who left her home in northern Spain seeking a new life in Latin America.  Jewelry pieces in this story are as precious as the voyage itself. Jewelry, represents the earthly display of a longing desire, the desire for the surreal encounter with my grandmother.
Her eternal presence prevails in me, like a song, a poem or a book. Ultimately, this story is about finding my grandmother Rosa in her legacy, in her jewelry, in her beauty, but above all, is a tribute to her life lived.
Photography - Camila Perez Alayón
Styling - Pia Moreira
MUAH - Laura Luna Montero
Models - Alessia Bofarull y Martina Diaz
Clothes - PAKA VintageGlam and Peppa Rivero



This series of images intends to portray the redefinition of an object by presenting itself as a legacy. The object is a way of immortalizing a p Read More
