Kevin Tang 唐士佳's profileAmo Zhou's profile

Discord - 2021 Snapchat Ads

Discord - Snapchat Ad Campaign 2021
Making 15 second user acquisition ad spots is usually a dry affair, but for this project I had the pleasure of pairing up with my amazing coworker Amo Zhou who designed the 2D layouts and style-frames for the videos, which I then brought into 3D art and 2D typographical animation.

Our marketing department wanted to emphasize the sheer scale of our community. Our copywriter Mark Donnelly came up with a script, and we were charged with making 3 videos that playfully riffed on the idea of a big global community without (hopefully) seemingly like a tech company pitching a tech-messianic message in the industry's standard self-serious tone.
 3 version of the 9x16 Snapchat ad put side-by-side for ease of viewing:
Discord - Social Gaming Ad Campaign 2022
The 2021 UA campagin became so successful that it was later used as a benchmark for future UA campaigns, and in 2022 we were requested to evolve this asset into videos specifically targeting PC gamers internationally who might not be as familiar with our video watch-along product. In our research we found that international markets are most interested in using Discord to assist in RPG and MMORPG raids and watch-alongs, so I created 3D scenes that are reminiscent of a big RPG boss fight.

Scriptwriting — Mark Donnelly
Project Management + Music Choice — Miranda Hartman
Style Frame Design/Graphic Design Layout + Concepts — Amo Zhou
3D Art + 2D Motion Graphics + Concepts — Kevin Tang
Discord - 2021 Snapchat Ads

Discord - 2021 Snapchat Ads

15 second Snapchat ad for Discord user acquisition campaign
