Sunlight girl is a video that contains visuals and text combined into a motion and graphics piece that is an extension and in some way a trailer of my final year series PINTO which is an explorative series into living with a genetic mutation called mosaicism that affects the pigmentation of my hair; resulting in half blonde and half brunette hair. Having this condition I experienced trauma as a child from being seen as different and it became my biggest insecurity. Recently this hair has become a trend and people are more accepting and this piece is almost a love letter to this part of myself that I hid away for so many years until now where I feel comfortable showing it and giving it the love it deserves. Layers were a large part of this piece, layering multiple visuals, text and objects to create a larger and in depth story of my experience and focusing mainly in textures and contrast, exploring monochromatic art making and how I use this to represent myself. I wanted to have very simple imagery in this piece to have the main focus as the text which is the larger part of this storytelling. Although the visuals are important and connect this all together into the epitome of myself and whilst filming for this piece I found myself drawn to light and the way it covers and creates its own story and piece of art onto whatever surface it is reflected which I then filmed and incorporated into Sunlight Girl. The reason I have used the music for this piece is that this song helped me through a lot of my trauma at the time and was somewhat of a daily part of my routine, to have this song playing at full volume on headphones with the lights off and a blanket over my head and just let the sound take over me, making it a crucial part of my story.  

Music Credits: 
Audiomachine - Above and Beyond

sunlight girl

sunlight girl
