Xinyi Wang's profile

Student scheduling system interface design

Interface design for student scheduling system - this is my part for the INFO 3450 (Human Computer Interaction) project. The aim was to create a creative yet functional interface that provides maximum convenience and usability for its users.
Concept Statement
planetc will replace Cornell University’s Student Center by improving existing functionality and adding additional features such as planning class schedules and tracking major requirements. This system revitalizes the student experience by providing a fresh, user-friendly interface and intuitive graphics and controls.
The existing scheduling process is complicated and disconnected because it forces students to switch between several applications at once. On the other hand, planetc simplifies this process by combining the course catalogue, enrollment portal, and requirements checklist in one convenient system. Implementing the system will help novices with the basics of scheduling while making it easier for more experienced users. By improving an essential aspect of students’ academic careers, planetc will change the way students feel towards classes and empower them to take control of their own learning.
login screen
Main landing page - size of "planets" dynamically changes according to importance of info (eg. if a payment is due soon, then it's size will be larger than the rest of less importance.)
Scheduling & enrolling screen - users can drag classes directly from the search box into available timeslots in the schedule. 
Search box details - discovering classes in two ways.
Work in progress
the following is still work in progress. Thanks for understanding!
requirements tracking - student can add requirements for different colleges/ majors/ minors at will.
Student scheduling system interface design

Student scheduling system interface design

Interface design for student scheduling system - this is my part for the INFO 3450 (Human Computer Interaction) project. The aim was to create a Read More
