
In this gospel series we are given "Faith" for my weekly task. Faith talks about complete trust or confidence in something or someone. It's about believing in something that you do not see. It is something that we encounter most of the time. A time where we are push to believe on the impossible.

Design Process:

Reading the bible > Research > Design > Final touch


The goal is to give form to the abstract word "Faith", with it this word, I needed to show and let my viewer's feel on what is Faith really all about. Something that there's tension on what's going to happen next.


Many examples can be used on the word faith. I need to find something that's common to some people and has tension just by looking at it. A tension where people will think twice on if they will give a go on that situation or not.

I've collected the images that I will be needing in my canvas. The situation I think of is crossing the golden gate bridge with a flood in the middle. Here are the images:  

The Design:

I did some research about on what Faith is really all about, so I read the bible. There's a lot of stories that I can reflect on when we're talking about faith, so I find something right now in out generation where faith can be tested. The least that came up to me was flood. 

Flood is something that will really put tension to you specially if you'll need to cross on dry land with a car. Cars do have limitations when it comes to a certain level of flood that it can cross on. But when I read about Peter in the bible when he was called to cross over the sea to the other boat, scientifically you'll fall when we'll talk about buoyancy. But, if we talk about Faith it's different, just if you believe you'll be able to cross in a scene like this: 
Did some color grading and corrections.
The final output:

For the breakdown of the design, I used Ford Everest (not a sponsored) because it's my favorite car and the car that we have. In this scene I come up to the idea of overflowing the golden gate bridge and you're caught in the middle, and the only dry land was on the other side of the bridge. To create tension, I created the mood of a heavy storm, where there's no sun and a hard rain. Heavy storm is one of the thing that car owners having tension with. But as the title says with a color of green (on stop lights green indicates go), it signals you to go and cross that bridge, because "For with YHWH nothing is impossible" -Luke 1:37.

Here's the schedule that was published for our church:


