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How to Sell Products on eBay: 8 Tactics That Work

How to Sell Products on eBay: 8 Tactics That Work

EBay is a popular site for selling items. It's easy to sell on eBay, if you know what you're doing! We'll show you 8 tactics that will help sell your products faster and for more money. Are you ready? Alright let's begin, here's how to start selling on eBay.
1. List your products for sale
In order to start selling products on eBay you need to have them listed for sale. To sell a product, you'll need an appropriate category and then fill out the listing form with your title, description, shipping information (if applicable), as well as payment options. The more details you include about your item(s) will help them start selling faster!
It's important to make sure you've got your eBay account set up correctly with all necessary information. Are you an individual account or an eBay business account? The difference  is that an individual account cannot sell items on eBay, but you can sell in the classifieds. An eBay business account is required to sell products on ebay and other features come with it!
These features in eBay include an inventory management system, a dashboard to monitor sales and customers, ability to sell internationally (for an additional fee), ability to sell in the classifieds or on ebay, and manage your listings.
Types of Listing -
Fixed Price Listing. Shipping costs will be added to the item's price, and any additional fees like taxes or handling charges are paid by the buyer.

Fixed Price Shipping Pro-Tip: When using Fixed Price shipping you should set a reasonable sell to value ratio so buyers feel comfortable with making their purchase from you!
Auction Style Listing - The seller specifies an auction start price, the duration of the auction and shipping costs. A Buy It Now option is also available if you sell on ebay. Question: How do you determine your auction starting price?

Auctions Pro-Tip: If a buyer uses "Buy it now", and you can ship for free still let them know that your product comes with shipping at no cost to save yourself from any negative feedback!
Best Offer Listing - You sell your item at a price that is mutually agreed upon by you and the buyer. Best offers are typically used for items like antiques or other valuables which sell for under $50,000!
How location affects your ability to start selling on eBay successfully.
One aspect of selling products on eBay is location. Where you sell your items can be a big factor in how much they sell for, so it's best to make sure this information is accurate!
Shipping in the United States can be expensive. Be honest with your price and sell the right product in the right area!
Selling on eBay Pro-Tip: The more relevant keywords and tags that are included when completing the listing form will help increase the chances customers will find your product page when searching. 
Another important factor in selling products on eBay is timing; this means finding appropriate times of year which are the best to sell certain items.  For example, winter is a great time to sell boots and clothing as people tend to buy more of these types of items during this season. Additionally, the end of September through October is also an especially busy shopping period for consumers looking for back-to-school supplies!

Articles of Clothing - Listing Pro-Tip: If you sell products like clothing that are seasonal, sell them during the right season! You'll have a better chance of selling your product faster if it's sold in its relevant time frame. For example, snow boots would be more likely to sell around wintertime than other times of year.
2. Put the right information in your listing title and description. Search Results Sell Product Listings
This will make it easier for customers to find what they are looking for.  When selling products on eBay, you may notice other listings with similar titles or descriptions. This is because the same product can sell for different prices depending on where it's being sold and what kind of condition it is in (e.g.: New vs Used). Product identifiers like the color, size or model number can be super helpful to buyers when they're looking for what you have.
Selling on eBay Pro-Tip: If your product is new and/or in its original packaging it's a good idea to sell it as such! You'll sell faster without compromising on the price of your item.
Navigation Options Pro-Tip: The title should include any specific information that customers would need to know, such as color or size.
The title of your product should be relevant and descriptive. The description should include any details that the buyer would need, such as size, color or manufacturer part number. Use keywords in both which will help buyers find it when searching online (e.g.: "red iPhone" vs "Apple"). This is known as Search Engine Optimization (SEO). How to unlock the browsers of potential customers and become the first listing they see aka...
Why SEO Matters
SEO will help get your listing ranked higher for certain keywords that sell better than others. Being at the top of search results matters. The more relevant traffic and views you get from a product, the higher it's likely to sell as well!
Pro-Tip: If there is no competition in selling products on eBay with specific titles or descriptions (e.g.: a specific color or size), use those unique keywords! Now that's smart business.

eBay Product Titles and Descriptions to Include:
- If your product is new, include that in the title (e.g.; "New iPhone XS Max - 64GB - Silver")
- Use numbers for items with many variations (e.g.; "iPhone XS Max - 64GB - Silver, Rose Gold, Space Gray")
- Be specific about the condition of your item if it's used (e.g.: "used iPhone XS unlocked and in good condition")
- Include any details that buyers would need to know like color or size (e.g.: "black iPhone XS")
- Search results sell products, so use relevant keywords for specific titles and descriptions (e.g.: "red Apple watch 42mm" or "white Samsung samsung galaxy tab S").
- Use numbers for items with many variations (e.g.; "Samsung Galaxy Tab S - 32GB - Black &  Gold")
- Be specific about the condition of your item if it's used (e.g.: "used Samsung Galaxy Tab S in good working condition with minor wear and tear")
How does eBay use SEO to help get my product noticed?
SEO and eBay are a winning duo for the smart seller, eBay has their own internal search engine to list all the items on sale within the platform. When a buyer searches for an item, they are presented with multiple results which include: listings from auctions/auction style (e.g.: "someone is selling this item and willing to sell it for the right price"), listings from Buy It Now options (e.g.: "the buyer can purchase an item at a set, permanent price") and listings with Best Offers available (e.g.: if you're selling something used or in good condition)."

Seriously... Use SEO when creating listings. It might not be Step 1 but it is just as important to sell on eBay effectively as it is to start selling on eBay. This means using search terms and including a description that's detailed. The more details you include the better chance buyers will be comfortable buying your product. For example; when creating a title or description, include search terms that buyers would use to search for your product. On the other hand if it's a car part that fits various cars try to list all possible brands. This helps customers search more specifically! Question? How do you create your listing descriptions?
Pro-Tip: Use the word "free" if you're giving something away. This will increase the number of views!
It may also help sell your product faster if you sell products on eBay internationally. This is because there are so many buyers searching for different items from all over the world!
Final Value Pro-Tip: You should always check to see what country customers are coming from before creating a listing, as this can affect how much you sell it for (e.g.: shipping costs, currency, etc.).
The description should include information that buyers would need to know if they were buying your item online (e.g.: brand). It's also a good idea to sell any accessories that may come with the items you sell on eBay or use this space to emphasize more details about your product. What are the shipping details? Do you only ship in the United States ? If so, you'll want to add that information in your listing description. 
Pro-Tip: Make sure to sell any defects or damages of the product that may not be immediately obvious. If there is a flaw, it's best to mention this in your listing description so customers are aware before they purchase.
Listings Pro-Tip: If you sell on eBay, remember to include a size description in your product title and listings since items without this information may not sell as quickly! This allows customers to make more informed decisions about what they are buying before making the purchase.
3. Take quality photos that show off the product in detail.
Potential customers want to see exactly what they are buying before committing. This makes it easier for eBay to sell your item and reduces the number of returns. Unfortunately, not every buyer will read the description or look at all the details; it's up to you to sell them on why they should buy from you! I could spend hours trying to describe this picture of a photoshpped Tiger in a water fall or just show it to you. A picture is worth a thousand words...

Nail the photos
Selling on eBay is simple if you nail the product listings and good photos are most of that. Upload high-quality photos that show the product listing from multiple angles, so buyers can see every detail! It's also essential to include detailed images of any defects or damages; this will help potential buyers make an informed decision about whether they would like to buy or not. 
Tools Pro-Tip: Use a photo editing app to enhance the image quality. This will make photos look even better than they already do!
List of Photo editing tools:
- Adobe Photoshop Express for iOS - it's free!
- Snapseed (iOS and Android) 
- Pixlr (free online) 
- VSCO (free online)
Pro-Tip: Use different angles to sell your item and tell a story! This will help buyers get to know your products better.
Pro Tip: If you sell fashion accessories, try taking photos with a model wearing it to add an extra element of interest! It also helps buyers see the product on someone else.

Don't sell something you don't own - this is illegal and can lead to legal trouble if eBay finds out. Make sure all information about items sold on your eBay store are useful, pertinent, and most importantly accurate. 
Pro-Tip: Don't sell more than one item in the same listing. If customers see multiple items, they'll likely purchase other listings before making a decision on yours!    
4. Include measurements if it is an apparel item or other clothing-related merchandise.
This will help buyers determine if the item will fit.
Make sure measurements are accurate when selling apparel items on eBay! It's also a good idea to include any materials that your item is made from, such as cotton or wool; this helps sell clothing since it gives potential buyers more information about what they're buying and increases chances of getting the sale. 
Pro-Tip: Use the "condition" section if you sell clothing or apparel on eBay to sell items in good condition. This will help buyers make an informed decision about what they're buying!
Create a list of rules when selling products online e.g.: no returns, delivery due within 24 hours etc., this helps keep your  customers happy and you sell more products.  
General eBay Seller Account Pro-Tip: Don't sell items that you're not allowed to sell. This includes items such as firearms, tobacco, and prescription drugs!
The best tools are good rules
Including store rules for customers when selling on eBay is a good idea since it reduces the number of returns, this makes buyers feel more comfortable about their purchase! A seller who has the dignity and self respect to set rules and enforce them fairly saves themselves several headaches down the line and won't have to enforce for example copy right down the road and avoid statements like "all rights reserved".  Stop for a moment and consider, what are your eBay rules?

If you sell an item on eBay where it is low in stock then it would be a good idea to mention this so buyers don't purchase an item they won't receive. 
Including stock information is a good idea if you sell on eBay since it reduces the number of unsuccessful purchases.
Completed Listings Pro-Tip: Make sure to update your inventory so buyers know how many products are available for purchase!
5. Price your products competitively 
It's important to sell your product at the right price, because buyers will be more likely to purchase if they feel like you're offering a good deal!
Price your products competitively to sell more!
eBay Listing form Pro-Tip: Create a price range if possible; sell products that are in good condition at the lower end of the spectrum, while more expensive items should be placed towards the higher end of your pricing scale.
Create a list of items you sell on eBay so buyers can see what they could potentially buy from you.
Pro-Tip: If an item's price is too high, potential buyers may look for similar items listed at a lower price. Sellers should avoid listing their goods above market value if they want to sell quickly!
Sell items that you think will sell the quickest to sell more efficiently. An accepted payment method like PayPal can make selling on eBay easier, since it's convenient for both you and your buyer.
Payment Method Pro-Tip:  Accepting PayPal is a good idea when selling on eBay. It's easy for buyers, and it makes the process of getting paid much easier for you!
It's important for sellers to sell items with high demand, this reduces your time on the listing page and increases chances of getting more sales!
Sale Options Pro-Tip: If an item doesn't sell as quickly as anticipated, try lowering the price or relisting.

The truth about listing on eBay...
No seller wants to lower the price so consider using eBay advertising to get more visibility. EBay seller ads are a relatively cheap tool and could sell your product in no time!
Pro-Tip: eBay ads have a relatively low cost and can sell your item quickly!
Using eBay seller ads is based on understanding the eBay ad rate (the cost) and the internal structure. eBay ads are based on CTR. CTR means Click through rate aka how many people click on an ad. The pricing is dynamic, meaning it's based on (individual seller accounts, like yours) how many of these sellers are using it and how many others of the same item are being sold at the time. It's a good idea to experiment with eBay ads since they're based on performance!
eBay Marketing Pro-Tip: Keep your eBay ads targeted to sell more products! This is a good idea since it increases the number of clicks you get, which can help sell more items faster!
The best way to sell an item is by selling it at the right time. Sellers should list items during peak hours as this maximizes chances of getting more views!
Pro-Tip: Study your customer and time your listing so the most people on eBay see it and visit your business as opposed to another account. A seller should create listings during peak hours to sell products on ebay more quickly!
If you're selling an item that needs high demand, list it at the beginning of the week when most buyers are buying their items for the upcoming week and weekends.
Research other items that people are buying, this will allow you to sell more and make a higher profit margin. This is also important when using eBay advertising since it allows users to see what's popular which can then be used for ad targeting!
Study your competitors and package your product in a compelling way to beat them. This encourages people to make their purchase from you and not someone else!
Listing Pro Tip: Set up a notification on your phone for once weekly or monthly research into your own products and seller listing competition.

Fees Fees Fees ...
eBay Fees Pro-Tip: eBay fees can be a pain. If you sell an item that's lower in cost, it might not make sense to sell on eBay since they charge a higher fee compared to other selling channels!
If you sell multiple products using the same listing, sellers are charged one insertion fee per week (calculated based on the date of insertion). This is important to sell products faster and increase profits!
Pro-Tip: When using the "ad format", you can choose between a fixed price or an auction style listing; this allows sellers to sell items at any price they like while still giving buyers more options.
If an item still doesn't sell, consider selling it as "best offer." This is where buyers can make you their own personal offers to buy your stuff. Sometimes this works and sometimes it doesn't but it's worth trying as opposed to giving up on the sale completely!
Invoices and fees can pile up, so sell items that have a chance at becoming completed listings. It might not make sense to sell on eBay if the item is overpriced since you'll have more sales elsewhere at a lower fee! Your business is like any other store, make sure you can account for all costs and fees.
6. Be honest with shipping costs 
An effective seller should always sell items with a full description of shipping costs, this helps buyers make an informed decision. Some people might not buy from you if they feel like there are hidden fees at the end of their purchase.
Pro-Tip: Sometimes, depending on where your buyer lives, shipping can be expensive; this means it might not sell if customers feel like they won't save money with their purchase! 
Don't forget about local shipping options, these are great ways to sell products on ebay and sell more in general! Include information about what shipping service you use and where you sell the item at.

Be honest with your shipping costs to sell more! This means to your customers but also with yourself, shipping costs are a value fee and value proposition that affects your profit margin.
Pro Tip: Shipping costs can add up, so sell items that minimize fees while still maximizing profit margin!
It's important for sellers to sell products that are easy and convenient to ship, sell more by listing things that are easy to ship!
Shipping Navigation Pro-Tip: Use eBay labels so your listings and items can be shipped in bulk. This saves a lot of time when selling on eBay since you don't have to individually print shipping labels for every item. Remember eBay gives you options for your business use them!
You care about your bank account so buyers care about theirs!
There are countless stories of honesty in business paying off, and this is one of them!
Shipping options Pro-Tip: If you sell on eBay's "global shipping program", sellers are able to sell in multiple locations and offer international shipping rates! This allows the seller to sell their product to more places around the world.
Pro-Tip: If you sell on eBay, the shipping costs will be listed separately from the price of the item itself.
Sellers should avoid selling an item that is too large or heavy to be profitable. Make sure to understand the costs of your shipping carrier. Remember you're running a business beneath articles of incorporation, the little thing saying all rights reserved etc is the need to profit from your account.
Seriously. Don't sell an item if you can't realistically ship it.
7. Offer free shipping on orders over $50... if you can afford it
This section should really be called “have a plan to capture desired final value” but that's not so catchy. Whether it's auction style listings, pricing your ad rate effectively, or shipping for free you need to sell with getting the best price possible in mind.
Listings Pro-Tip: eBay offers sellers free tools to sell like the "Selling Manager" and "eBay labels." These services are available as part of a selling plan, or they can be purchased separately if you sell on eBay.

The psychology of free shipping works.
Most people feel more satisfied with a purchase when they get additional freebies thrown into the deal, and sell more by offering buyers shipping for free!
Shipping for free makes your listing stand out and can make all the difference on whether or not someone decides to buy. Sellers should always consider including it in their listings if possible.
When it comes to selling items online, offering nothing but your best is the way to sell more!
Offering shipping for free on orders over $50, helps buyers make larger purchases and can be a great way of selling products online. You can even increase the price of the item if you include shipping for free. This thinking would fall under the category of Black Friday, but is pertinent to your eBay account. Don't be afraid to think outside of the box and steal a page or two from a smart seller page here or there.
The  Value of A Good Bundle...
Sellers should always consider throwing in some goodies or bundling items together when selling something so that they sell quickly. If people like what you're offering them, they'll be more inclined to buy. This is different then just grouping items together without thinking. Selling items together that have no synergy is a great way to go broke, but a plan to attract diverse customer bases via a bundle is good business. What products do you sell that when listed together would create a unique and winning angle?

In Review of Shipping...
Always consider shipping and the final value fee, these can be huge deciding factors in whether or not someone buys an item so sell more by keeping these in mind.
Listing Page Pro-Tip: Sellers should always consider which shipping option is the most cost-effective for their buyers and make sure to include it when selling on eBay!
8. Don't forget to check back every day! Value your customers and their opinion of your eBay Business.
Buyers can see reviews about sellers listed on eBay, so make sure to sell with a high feedback score! This increases your chances of selling.
Manage your inbox regularly since emails are a quick way for buyers to communicate with you and good communication always falls in the best practices category.
Customer Service Matters.
It's important for sellers to sell with a high feedback score, and offer excellent customer service.  Offering excellent customer service is one of the best ways for sellers to sell products on eBay. 
Remember to sell with honesty if you want your business to stay afloat when selling products online. Always think about what's best for both parties involved in the deal. Value customer feedback and sell with a high feedback score! EBay seller reviews are a huge part of selling on eBay and maintaining your seller page.
Remember that communicating with customers is key when selling something online since you can't always see them face to face! Good communication is a best practice and makes for good business practice. Sellers should sell with honesty in mind so that they are perceived as honest by customers, which could lead to more sales.
The final key to selling on eBay: Maintain a good name

Maintaining a good name isn't just something your parents chided you over, it's a good business policy. The payout is more than just profit(it certainly helps profitability) and stays long after you start selling and even close your eBay Business account. It's how you're remembered. It also affects your payouts. A low feedback score can lengthen the time it takes to get paid effectively an additional insertion fee in the form of time value of money.
Maintaining a good business name on eBay Pro-Tip: Customers can see reviews about sellers on eBay which is why it's important to sell with integrity for the best results. Always sell in your customers' best interests and offer them excellent customer service.
Ask yourself. What is your notification system when a customer contacts you? Your shop, eBay store, eBay Business whatever you want to call it is disproportionately affected by this, so nailing this is just as important as nailing the listing. Effective communication on your seller account is key.
eBay account Pro-Tip: If you sell on eBay, it's a good idea to create different selling accounts with various user profiles(aka user id) so that customers can't see where else you sell. This will help boost your sales and keep other business identities separate. Save the Url and user id of your different seller accounts and heck save this Url too!
Selling on eBay Summary...
1. List your products for sale (Always remember step 1, if you don't start selling on eBay you don't make money on eBay...)
2. Put the right information in your listing title and description. Search Results Sell Product Listings
3. Take quality photos that show off the product in detail. (A picture is worth 1,000 words... maybe more to your eBay store)
4. Include measurements if it is an apparel item or other clothing-related merchandise. (The more accurate this information the easier navigation will be from potential customers native browsers)
5. Price your products competitively (Shipping options, fees, one payment method vs another all goes into this)
6. Be honest with shipping costs (Honesty is a winning business policy)
7. Offer free shipping on orders over $50... if you can afford it (Account for your account as well as your customers)
8. Don't forget to check back every day! Value your customers and their opinion of you. (It wasn't easy to establish your successful business account, protect it)
What is the easiest way to take advantage of these tactics as soon as possible and ensure optimal performance for your business?
You've done the hard work of creating an online store, now it's time to make your products visible with a profitable eBay Seller account business. Do you feel like you're spending all day flipping between this web page and that web page or neverending articles trying to crack the code on effective and efficient listings? Listings should be easy and affordable. Now if only there were a listing tool that could help small businesses sell online effectively while cutting costs. Hmm listing tool, listing tool... OH! That's right, loves helping small businesses develop effective ecommerce businesses the right way so they can stay competitive in this 21st century world while buying back their time affordably. Whether you're looking to start selling on eBay, have an established eBay account or are selling on another platform. Contact us today to see how we save your business money all while growing sales.

How to Sell Products on eBay: 8 Tactics That Work


How to Sell Products on eBay: 8 Tactics That Work
