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AS4 Article - Enric Fluckiger

I started by making a simple sketch plan based on what I saw throughout the scene.
I started by making a simple sketch section A based on what I saw throughout the scene.
I started by making a simple sketch section B based on what I saw throughout the scene.
Already through these sections I can start to see how similar the layout of the two apartments are. This was the first realisation that industrialisation plays heavily through repetition and lack of individuality causing irony in this scene. As a result I analysed the scene more thoroughly in terms of repetition of key elements.
The blue encircles the key elements which are repeated throughout the scene. Both the furniture and the apartment layout is very similar.
These similarities are super apparent when looking especially through the plan and section. Making these plans and sections I had to study the scene thoroughly and as a result came with this analysis
I found out that there are slight discrepancies between the placement of certain items in the scene. Through this analysis however, I found out the scene had a hidden chair in one of the apartments which was something I had to add into the plan. Although these slight discrepancies are most likely human error it would be interesting to find out if there was further thought behind this. This analysis also helped with realising if the items move than the exact placement of the items is not necessary but rather a rough estimate can be made. After this I began the 3D model of this scene.
I afterwards made it into two axonometric drawings. The reason I made two was so that one could analyse the extreme similarities the two apartments. The legend below shows the two axonometric together so one can fully understand the scene.
This was a draft sketch of the ideas I wanted to present in the coloured version of the axonometric drawing
Throughout the entire movie grey colours were used. As this scene plays at night I chose to make the large majority in a dark grey colour as it appears in the scene. I the highlighted out the furniture that was similar between the two apartments in a slightly lighter grey showing that I wanted to focus out these elements but still that they might as well be part of the apartment as it is copied throughout every apartment. Lastly I in a light grey highlighted the unique elements between the to apartments. although for this I struggled the it cam to including the lamps as they appear in similar spots and have the same function however the lamps themselves different greatly enough that I chose to include it as a unique object.
I took this shot as seen in the film at 53:13 of my 3d model. This will be the base for my photo shop.
This was the diagram sketch I made to run the idea I wanted to portray in the photoshop of the scene.
Keeping to the dark grey theme as it was night and the industrialised colour palate of greys present throughout the whole movie I placed a shader over the image. I used the apartments in the movie at the top and bottom to symbolise that it is one of many as the industrialisation causes countless repetition throughout not only this level but presumed all levels below and above. Creating a dark border keeps with the metallic walls and draws attention to the centre. I then reflected all the furniture onto the roof as to further the idea of lack of uniqueness by increasing the amount of same objects in the image.
Written analysis

Throughout this written analysis I will be covering one of the most iconic scenes in the 1967 movie Playtime. This movie is a comedy which pokes fun at how repetitive industrialisation was in the time period. The content below does contain spoilers so if interested in watching the movie I would highly recommend viewing as it will definitely provide some well worth laughs. Now without further a due lets get into the analysis.

The movie as stated before heavily plays with the idea of industrialisation. During the apartment scene (50:30 – 59:00) the main character ends his search for the man throughout the whole movie till this point he has been trying to meet up with and meets a mate of his that he used to work with in the army. This man brings him into the apartment and once sitting down the man the main character has been searching for arrives. And enters the apartment adjacent to him. This provides dramatic irony to create comedic moments throughout the scene. Already the apartment looks very similar. Chairs that have been emphasised throughout the whole movie are repeated in this scene heavily laying onto the industrialisation theme. The similarities through key elements such as the layout, tv and the show presented on the tv, the cabinet and the placement of the characters throughout the scene creates dramatic irony.
Prior to this scene at around (43:00) the apartments are hinted as being replicated around the world through posters and then later having a show into one of these apartments really does heavily emphasise on how industrialisation throughout the time has created a lack of unique elements between people creating this almost carbon copy throughout all humans. Although a heavy topic to cover using irony especially throughout this scene allows one to consider truly how similar industrialisation has forced us to become. As a result this scene becomes one of the most iconic throughout the movie. 
AS4 Article - Enric Fluckiger

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AS4 Article - Enric Fluckiger


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