Since I was little kid, I've always had a lot of love for animals, especially cats. And a few years ago, I started to develop an immense desire to help the environment and animals more, doing things that were within my reach. Between one and another help, I discovered the group of Resgatinhos from Porto Alegre - RS, and I came to admire their project a lot for giving a good life to abandoned cats, who are cared for until they are donated. I helped time and time again, but I was no longer able to continue helping, so I thought of alternative ways to achieve my dream of supporting NGOs.

Here at home, we started about 5 years ago to dispose of our garbage more consciously. We reduce organic waste as much as we can and we always try to use it to become compost for our trees. The dry garbage, for the most part, is destined for the recycled truck. Aluminum cans were one of those separate items, so I thought “why don't I put them together so that I can sell them myself and I can allocate this money to some NGOs?”. Based on this thought, I started to collect cans so that when I have a considerable amount, I can sell them and donate this money to NGOs, the first sale being the Resgatinhos, which inspired me to this good action.



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