We live in a world that is brilliant and brilliant. The obstacle facing the examination of the early stages of the universe is the lack of direct observation data. astronomers have been able to examine the large portion of the world around the world as a sign of their moving towards distant galaxies. One night when the sky is flat we can see hundreds of stars with the naked eye. These stars are just about the tiny part of our Milky Way and our road. telescopes give us the much larger space that contains the billions of brilliant galaxies. Our present understanding of the universe was in a long period of darkness and darkness. The first stars did not emerge until millions of years after the Big Bang, killing millions of years until galaxies were propagated beyond the universe. It has been a long time for astronomers to see how it happened from the dark to the young light in the country. After , researchers have taken large steps to respond to this question. By using sophisticated computer simulation techniques, the Cosmologist have developed models that demonstrate how the density of the density that survived from the Big Bang could evolve and become the first stars.


It is a definition of scientific astronomy that studies the movements, structure, properties of all heavenly bodies, such as stars, planets, and galaxies, and their evolution and destiny. traits such as crime, color, temperature, composition, etc., is the answer to questions and curiosity about the world in


Astronomy has a long history in Iran, as elsewhere in the world. in fact, since the instrument is a pure heaven and two healthy eyes, it is one of the first sciences that have been considered by man. Iranian astronomers form the main Islamic astronomers. After the Caliphate, Translate Company established its famous Translate Company to translate the scientific works of various nations, the advancement of astronomy, and other sciences, took great speed. The first accurate calculation of the Earth's diameter at the same time and was carried out by the Benoshaker Brothers. One of the reasons for special attention to astronomy in the Islamic times is to determine the calendar and sometimes sharia, which requires careful astronomical observations and calculations, " the spherical geometry, introduced by Abol-vafa Bozjani, greatly facilitated the computation. Traditionally, in the court of kings and princes, Persian poets and princes always existed, and this contributed to their prosperity. It was, of course, advisable for the guidance of astronomers to determine bad times; but this required many years of study and study. Many times are written in Islamic times.
By the sixteenth century the Arabs excelled in astronomy. It was the cultural center of Baghdad, where it was translated into Arabic in the eighth century by Ptolemy AL-Botani, an Arab astronomer, to a great extent on the content of the book. They developed tools such as the Ostorlab, the invention of the ancient Greeks, more precisely than the Greeks observed the position of the stars. The Ostorlab is a 2 D pattern of the night sky used in the Middle Ages to determine the location of the Sun and the stars. one of the most important topics in islamic knowledge is knowledge of islamic astronomy because they depend on these knowledge.

