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Indigenous Nature - Stamp Collection - Comoros Islands

Indigenous Nature - Stamp Collection 2021
The Comoros Islands
This stamp collection is based on the rare and native qualities found on the Comoros Islands derived from its landscapes, flora, and fauna. The contour lines of the series are drawn from the beautiful colors and textures found in its indigenous nature.

تعتمد‭ ‬مجموعة‭ ‬الطوابع‭ ‬على‭ ‬الصفات‭ ‬النادرة‭ ‬والمحلية‭ ‬الموجودة‭ ‬في‭ ‬جزر‭ ‬القمر‭ ‬والمشتقة‭ ‬من‭ ‬مناظرها‭ ‬الطبيعية‭ ‬ونباتاتها‭ ‬وحيواناتها‭. ‬الخطوط‭ ‬الكنتورية‭ ‬للمجموعة‭ ‬مستمدة‭ ‬من‭ ‬الألوان‭ ‬والقوام‭ ‬الجميل‭ ‬الموجود‭ ‬في‭ ‬طبيعتها‭ ‬الأصلية‭.‬

In the landscape design, I focused on the islands volcanic features.
In the flora design, I used the orchid as my reference as the Comoros Islands have 72 species of orchids native to the land.
In the fauna designs, I used the white-eyed bird as my reference. I used the eye as a focal point. 

I also used the Helmet Guinea Fowl as my second fauna design.
All fauna, flora, and landscapes have two designs each; one zoomed out and the other zoomed in.

I extracted the colors from the reference images of nature in order to get a cool and vibrant depiction of its form and spirit.
Indigenous Nature - Stamp Collection - Comoros Islands


Indigenous Nature - Stamp Collection - Comoros Islands
