Eter is a group formed by two people of different cultural extraction and geographical origin. Constanza Manescau is a filmmaker and visual artist while Leonardo Amico has an engineering background. The union of these different spheres is also found in his work as Ether, where art and technology come together to express their visions of the world.Móvil1 is his first work. A sculpture made by old saucepans where a system, when approaching it, knocks spoons into the pots and starts the reproduction of sound recorded in one of the demonstrations that took place in Barcelona in the spring of 2011. With this they want to pay tribute a form of protest peculiarly from below, the cacerolazo.Leonardo Amico (1987, San Severino Marche, Italy)Constanza Manescau (1983, Mar del Plata, Argentina)

This sculputure won the Award to the Exhibition 

Móvil 1


Móvil 1



Creative Fields