Carl Robin Berdan's profile

Digital Advertising: Winter Fun Light Up Middletown

Digital Advertising: Winter Fun 
Light Up Middletown​​​​​​​
Hello and salutations! This is a set of standard banner ads created for a winter wonderland sort of thematic park. Got to enjoy a bit of vector and snow animation with this. Hope you like it and truly appreciate the visit or view!  
300x250 Animated Digital Ad
970x90 Animated Digital Ad
728x90 Animated Digital Ad
160x600 Animated Digital Ad
If you happen to view it in a quite a pixelated form, these ads were meant to be Standard HTML5 banner ads that has a relatively small size that takes up on quite certain websites and just play quite a bit on the background with the interactivity of replay.  
320x50 Animated GIF Digital Ad
 Any names, characters, logos, business, events and incidents are the products of the author's imagination. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental. Trademark images and logos are owned respectively by their appropriate properties. Most trademark logos have been removed appropriately and have been replaced with placeholder logos. 
Thanks for Viewing! :)
Digital Advertising: Winter Fun Light Up Middletown