Anna Piechura's profile

Sketchbook / Departures

Departures / Arrivals 
is the collection of sketches, gathered in two notebooks which used to be my diaries. I wanted to create something light and sweet, to tell a story about my friendships, lovely and simple moments like breakfast in a garden after birthday party, places and people I fell in love with and wish to go back, or try not to forget. I also draw objects often, as they usually reminds me about a smell, or a place, or a person who likes that specific kind of climate. This is how I create my own metaphors and give sanctity to objects and moments. 
Yonatan in the vest I sewed / winter day in the garden 
Campsite chatting in Iceland
My professor's weird shoes / loft visit
Versace promises I will, dolce vita
Meeting spot at Wola Zaradzyńska / Dorota and vegetables
Dorota exhibiting kissing plankton
Friends and vodka in Sopot
Wojtek the day before we went to see Macbeth in the Musical Theater
Sweet page for sweet girls / Burning ice cream
New Years Eve with my girlfriends talking about sanctity 
Autumn in lazy bedroom
Evening with mom at Grandma's, reading my horoscope for 2021
Scents, birds, carpets
My ex's dog knows better
Summer nights
Good or bad, who knows that
Janusz and Dorota on the terrace / early autumn in Warsaw
Me and Michael in the bed when got to know we have to move out
Flowers and carpet 
Sketchbook / Departures


Sketchbook / Departures
