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5 Stages of Patient Treatment for Addiction

5 Stages of Patient Treatment for Addiction 

When it comes to recovery, it requires a total lifestyle change. But for a person or loved one of someone who is having patient treatment for addiction or is early in recovery, a life free from addiction may feel like a million miles away, especially if you’re unsure what to expect throughout the process. There are stages that people go through to go forward, and it may even be more than one stage at a time. Here, we will show you the stages of change and treatment and management for addiction.
Recovery and rehabilitation

1. Precontemplation

At the first stages of addiction recovery, the person usually does not consider their behavior an issue. Maybe they haven’t experienced any adverse consequences due to their behavior, or they are in denial about the severity of their behavior and the effects they experienced. In this stage, the addictive behavior of the person is generally positive and hasn’t led to any negative consequences. At this point, they are not interested in hearing advice or quit after hearing the side effects. 

2. Contemplation

Contemplators will realize that they have a problem. They may want to change, but they don’t feel like they can fully commit to it. In this stage, a person is more receptive to learning about the potential consequences of their behavior and the options available. The contemplating phase can last for years, and sometimes, they move on to the next stage or revert to contemplation. 

3. Action

The real change reflects the difference in their behavior, and it starts at this stage. For many people, the action stage begins in a detox or residential treatment center where clinical and medical professionals can navigate a person through the early stages of recovery. In this stage, a person will engage in a treatment that addresses the underlying causes of addiction. Through individual and group therapy, it helps a person understand addiction and themselves better. They also give alternative, complementary therapies promoting holistic wellness, bolstering recovery. This stage will also equip a person with healthy, practical strategies for coping with stress and triggers that help them progress through the maintenance stage without experiencing a relapse.

4. Maintenance and Relapse 

It takes time and effort to sustain any change. In the maintenance stage, a person will begin to adapt to their new substance-free lifestyle. As they start to build momentum, reverting to old habits will be complex and less of a threat. Like all chronic diseases, there’s a risk of relapse, and despite acquiring the skills and tools in the action stage, a deterioration may still occur. But that is not a sign of failure and weakness. It’s possible to be sober again, and you can get specialized treatments from centers like Ottawa Addiction Treatment Services.
5. Termination 

The ultimate goal in the stages of change is termination, where a person with substance use disorder no longer feels threatened by their substance of choice. In this stage, they will feel confident and comfortable living life without substances and fear relapse less and less every day. 

The stages of change may seem intimidating to someone that wants to recover. But with the right team that will help you with your journey to recovery, permanent recovery is possible. Visit here to learn more about their programs. 
5 Stages of Patient Treatment for Addiction

5 Stages of Patient Treatment for Addiction


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