Arend Melby's profile

Board Butter Snowboard Wax Packaging

Name: Casey Willax
Location: Lake Tahoe, CA
Profession: Professional Snowboarder

Casey had previous connections with Magical Go-Go, a company who primarily manufactures snowboard and skateboard wax.  Based on their business, they routinely partner with snow and skate athletes for limited-time product releases, and Casey was one of several athletes chosen for this run.  

Casey had the idea to call it board butter and gave me the go-ahead to make it happen from there.  Like many, I enjoy butter in a variety of scenarios but thought a country restaurant style design was appropriate.    ​​​​​​​

There were several design elements I wanted to incorporate in the label design.  These elements included the following:
In the first version of the label, I chose a landscape orientation because I felt it allowed us to use the space more effectively with all the elements we wanted to include.  
This version can be seen below.
After discussing first design with Casey and the Magical Go-Go staff, we determined that a portrait orientation was better for the packaging itself.  This left some limitations based on everything we wanted to include.  I decided to not include the cow asset after trying to rework the design without it feeling too cluttered in areas. 
The final label, sans cow, ended up looking and printing great.  The limited run sold out quickly and I'd be thrilled to do something similar in the future.

Board Butter Snowboard Wax Packaging

Board Butter Snowboard Wax Packaging
