One of the brightest projects of 2020 I worked on was a book. The book is called 'Honesty, Subway, and Mistakes in words'. We call it 'Honesty' for short.
I, Graphic Designer & Illustrator, and Andrew Gotsulyak, the Author, worked together in a team to create a heartwarming experience for a reader.
'Honesty' was written in a subway. This book is about real life, and little things important for every person.
This book was made to make people think, feel, and see. 
Every page is a story.
Illustrations guide readers and create a strong association with the text.
'Honesty' was published in 1350 copies.
The first edition was sold out in a few weeks!
Full review of the 'Honesty' content:
Andrew Gotsulyak with his book:
Readers' feedback:
Visit if you want to buy this book and learn more about the project. 
Honesty. The Book

Honesty. The Book
