This project is inspired by the book Procrastination – Jane B. Burka And Lenora M. Yuen.
I really wanted to emphasize that procrastination is not about being lazy or not wanting to work an extra hour a day. It’s a deep psychological issue that needs to be tackled with more than motivational TedTalks and “supporting” friends.
“I’ll read just one more chapter and getting straight to it!”. 
“One Netflix episode won’t hurt”. 
“I wonder what were the greatest consequences of that one battle during the Civil War”.
In the meantime, your empty coffee mugs are piling up on your desk and the empty draft is looking at you in resentment. 
We’ve all been there. We’ve all fought through it. Some have been more successful than others.
With this lettering, I wanted to underline that by putting off every task till the very last moment, we are usually stuck with unfinished, bugged, and poorly presented project. We all are too familiar with pulling off the all-nighters just to discover that it’s not humanly possible to cram a month-long project in the last 5 hours and end up with a high-quality product.
The core issue with procrastination, is that it easily allows problem to compile into one big snowball of unsolvable tasks. Instead of combating them one by one, we’re forced to fight with a monster of a one big deadline which usually strikes at the end of a sprint. As a result - more coffee, less sleep, and stronger antidepressants.


