Tsunami 海啸
In memory of the lost in tsunamis
Artist Statement
Tsunamis are a natural force that humans cannot control. They can only flee from them or be engulfed. Those who are unfortunate struggle helplessly and desperately.
People who are lucky enough to not encounter that horror may not realize that they could be facing another type of tsunami--a tsunami of appetency, a tsunami of war, a tsunami of fortune and power, a tsunami of drugs, a tsunami of nuclear weapons or a tsunami of terrorism. These invisible tsunamis that are triggered by human beings are even more devastating.
Through this work, I want to remind people to be careful about what we make, which can be as horrible as natural forces like tsunamis.


海啸,是人类不能控制的自然力量。一旦卷入其中,就只有被吞噬和控制。冥冥之力不可抗拒,人类只能躲避。2004年 印度洋海啸中,那些不幸的人,在无助和绝望中挣扎,身不由己。

远离海啸的人暗自庆幸没有遭遇这样的恐怖,却并不知晓:自己可能面临同样可怕的海啸甚至早已深陷其中 ── 欲望的 海啸,仇恨的海啸,战争的海啸,金钱的海啸,权力的海啸,毒品的海啸,核爆的海啸,恐怖主义的海啸......人类自己 制造的无形的海啸比自然界中的海啸,更具毁灭性,更可怕。(可怕在人不知其存在而无从躲避,甚至忘形其中而浑然 不觉,直至事态无法控制而被吞噬。)

我想通过这个作品提出警示:人类要审视自己制造灾难的可怕能力,而不只是躲避自然界的灾祸。强大与无助并存,这 就是人类目前的生存现状。


A generative art work of WANG Hailei. In memory of the lost in tsunamis.
